Click arrow to watch the video lecture"The Ship Mataroa and the Critique of Method: Three Voyages" [in Greek, Oct. 2013, Institut français Athens]
- “Sie vermessen dein /Kh/“. Vom Übersetzen und Überhören [“They measure your /Kh/”. Translating and overhearing] (Interdisciplinary Conference: Gray Areas. Translation, Refugees, Language, Humboldt University Berlin, March 2025)
- Odyssee II: Signale der Grenzen, Akzente der Menschen [Odyssey II: Signals of Borders, Accents of Humans] (Part II of the International Conference “Übersetzen/Vergleichen: Denkbilder zweier kultureller Praktiken” [Translating/Comparing: Thought Images of Two Cultural Practices], Department of German Studies, Aristotle University & Goethe Institute Thessaloniki, November 2024)
- “Eloquence and Public Speaking” – Cavafy Re/Cited (International Cavafy Summer School 2024: Cavafy, Theater and Performativity, Onassis Foundation, Athens, July 2024)
- Odyssee I: Signale der Götter, Sprache der Menschen [Odyssey I: Signals of the Gods, Language of Man] (Part I of the International Conference “Übersetzen/Vergleichen: Denkbilder zweier kultureller Praktiken” [Translating/Comparing: Thought Images of Two Cultural Practices], University of Cologne, December 2023)
- Keynote Speaker for CIVIS – European Civic University (Workshop: Refugees, Migrants, and Exile in German and Comparative Literature, University of Athens, May 2023)
- So viel Erde, wie an der Sohle haftet: Lokalitäten der Migration [As Much Earth as Sticks to the Sole: Localities of Migration] (Panel: „Heimat 2.0 – Mehrdeutigkeiten eines umstrittenen Begriffs“, 27. Deutscher Germanistentag, Universität Paderborn, September 2022)
- «Σαρώνοντας τα κείμενα – Από το υλικό στο άυλο (και πάλι πίσω)» [Scanning the Texts – From the Material to the Immaterial (and Back Again)] (First Academy of Digital Humanities, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, September 2022)
- Ungeschickt-Sein, Kollektiv-Werden: Melancholische und enthusiastische Erzählungen über das Border-Crossing [Being Clumsy, Becoming Collective: Melancholic and Enthusiastic Narratives about Border-Crossing] (We ¦ Refugees – Constellations 1933 2022, Goethe Institut Thessaloniki & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, May 2022)
- Vom 'Migrantenstrom' zur Tiefenströmung: Über eine ozeanische Kunst & Politik [From Migrant Streams to Deep Water Currents: On Oceanic Arts & Politics] (Innsbruck Universität, Jahrestagung der DGAVL, June 2020 – May 2021)
- Migrant/Revenant: Vampirische Rückkehr in der Literatur [Migrant/Revenant: Vampiric Homecomings in Literature] (Universität Bonn & Bonn International Centrum for Conversion, January 2020)
- Workshop Entanglements and Imaginaries of Modern Greek Subjectivities. Indebted to the Past and the Present (Institut für Sozialforschung Frankfurt (IfS) / Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, April 2019)
- Die Zahl, die Tabelle, die Akkumulation… Zur Qualität von Quantität von Migration (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Juni 2018)
The Virtual, the Material, the Affective (Introductory remarks, together with Ulrich Meurer, for the 3rd International Conference on Greek Film Cultures: Strategies of the Documentary, University of Vienna, May 2018)
3rd International Conference on Contemporary Greek Film Cultures: Strategies of the Documentary (University of Vienna, May 2018). Organization Maria Oikonomou together with Blickle Cinema, Belvedere 21.
Homepage of the Conference: https://www.univie.ac.at/strategiesofthedocumentary/
Bilingualism in the Body: The Biological Poetics of the Anglo-Greek Writer Kay Cicellis (California State University, Sacramento, April 2018)
First Come the Morals, Then Comes the Grub: On an Anti-Humanist Aesthetics of Devouring (Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association ACLA, University of Utrecht, July 2017)
Im Körper und wider das Recht: Diskursorte der Nostalgikerinnen [In Body and against the Law: Gender Aspects of Nostalgia] (Invited guest lecture at the Department of Modern Greek Studies, University of Berlin (FU Berlin), April 2017)
Manteia, Mediality, Migration (University of Bristol, November 2016)
Workshop: Denkbilder der Übersetzung [Images of Thought of Translation] (ICLA, Vienna, July 2016, organized by Maria Oikonomou).
See also
Dead Europe: Vampirgeschichte, Gespensterpolitik [Dead Europe: Vampiric History, Spectral Politics] (University of Münster, July 2016)
Splitting Images, Two-headed Monsters: Genetic, Geminal, Genital Figures of Multilingualism in Cay Cicellis (Harvard University, March 2016)
Kastoriadis übersetzt Castoriadis (in eine nicht existierende Sprache)” [Kastoriadis translates Castoriadis (in a non-existent language] (Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, November 2014)
Odysseus—Lumière—Deleuze: Several Times in Their Impure State (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, May 2014)
Tier-Maschine auf delphischem Dreifuß: Athen, Jacques Derrida und seine Fototheorie [Animal-Machine Upon a Delphic Tripod: Athens, Jacques Derrida, and his Theory of Photography] (Charim Gallerie, Vienna, February 2014)
- Framing the Invisible. On the Presence of the Absense of Migration (Danish Network Migration and Culture / University of Copenhagen, October 2013)
- Le Mataroa et la critique de la méthode. Trois voyages (Octobre 2013, Institut français d’Athènes)
- Replacing the Alps: On the Practice of the AbSense in Greek Cinema (University of Reading / University of Glasgow, London, July 2013)
- Interstitium: Spatial Bodies and the Literature of Migration (Danish Network for Cultural Memory Studies / Migration and Culture, Copenhagen, 2012)
- Migration and Literature – a Comparative Survey of Theories, Approaches and Readings. The Case of Greece (Workshop Migration and Literature, Austrian Academy of Sciences / University of Vienna, 2012)
- Towards a Poetics of Migration (Workshop for Visiting Fellows, University of Princeton, 2011)
- On the Clinical Picture of Nostalgia – and a Remote Literature (University of Michigan / Program in Hellenic Studies, Columbia University, 2011)
- On Translation in Literature and Culture (Workshop Translation – Theory and Practice, International Writers’ and Translators’ Center, Rhodes, 2011)
- The Odyssey throughout Modernity (Department of Classical Philology, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 2011)
- Global Villages: Geopoetik griechischer Literatur zwischen Welt und Dorf [Global Villages: The Geopoetics of Greek Literature] (International Conference Sprachen und Kulturen in (Inter-)Aktion, University of Thessaloniki, 2011)
- Wie viel Heimat braucht der Mensch?” [How much Homeland Does One Need?] (International Conference Greek Dimensions of South-Eastern European Culture, University of Vienna, 2009)
- Photos von nichtexistierenden Orten. Bérards und Boissonas Album Odysséen [Photographs of Nonexistent Places: The Album Odysséen of Bérards and Boissonas] (Conference Comparative Arts: Towards a Transmedial Aesthetics, University of Münster, 2008)
- Der Mythos in der Moderne [Myth and Modernism] (Department of Classical Philology, University of Masaryk, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008)
- Männliche Musen küsst man nicht. Zum Geschlechterkonzept in der Inspirationstheorie [Never kiss a Male Muse … On Concepts of Gender in the Theory of Inspiration] (Lecture series The Muse as Cultural Instance, University of Vienna, 2008)
- Kapital und Alterität: Zwei deutsche Kavafis-Ausgaben [Capital and Alterity: Two German Editions of Constantine Cavafy] (Symposium Models of Transfer in Literature: Anthologies, Translations, Cultural Politics in the 20th Century, University of Osnabrück, 2007)
- Zur Sinnlichkeit des Unverständlichen: Lost in Translation [The Sensuality of the Unintelligible: Lost in Translation] (Interdisciplinary lecture series Film and Translation, University of Munich, 2006)
- America, America von Elia Kazan und Valtinos’ Die Legende von Andreas Kordopatis: eine vergleichende Lektüre [Elia Kazan’s America, America and Thanasis Valtinos’ The Legend of Andreas Kordopatis: a Comparative Reading] (Lecture series Movement in Film and Literature, University of Tübingen, 2005)
- Metakropolis. Der Parthenon in der Literatur [Metacropolis: The Parthenon in Literature] (Conference Visual Culture, University of Potsdam, 2005)
- Ulysses Dismembered (Young Scholars’ Colloquium, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, 2004)
- Entgegengeboren, dazwischengefallen – Antigone im Deutschen Herbst [Counterborn and Fallen in Between. Antigone’s Position in the Deutscher Herbst] (Lecture series Mythos – Stereotyp – Ikone: Griechische Frauenbilder im Film. University of Munich, 2004)
- ΕικονοΓραφία. Σχέσεις εικόνας και λέξης στο έργο του Νίκου Χουλιαρά (και άλλες καλλιτεχνικές διαπλοκές) [IconoGraphy: Relations between Image and Word by Nikos Chouliaras] (Conference of the Modern Greek Studies Association of Germany, FU Berlin, 2004)
- Nazi-Softball. Die imaginierte Heterotopie in George Seatons 36 Hours [Nazi Softball: The Imaginary Heterotopia in George Seaton’s 36 Hours] (Lecture series Ästhetische und politische Aspekte des Spionagefilms, University of Tübingen, 2003)
- Lichtwelt – Schattenwelt. Fritz Langs Der müde Tod und die lebenden Bilder (Lecture series Journeys to the Underworld, University of Munich, 2003)
- Rand-Erscheinungen: Spekulation über eine griechische (Post-)Postmoderne [Marginal Issues: Speculations on a Greek (Post-)Postmodernism] (Conference Postmodern De/Constructions, University of Erlangen, 2002)
- Petrarkismus auf Zypern. Der Import der Ρίμες Αγάπης als poetologisches Projekt Petrarchism in Cyprus: The Rimes Agapēs as a New Poetics] (Symposium Culture and Art of Cyprus, University of Munich, 2002)